Saturday, January 3, 2015

Oldest grandson

So our oldest grandson who is 19 text me the other day asking me about potato salad. And I answered him. Well I'm not 100% sure it was the answer he wanted LOL but after about another 20 text or so he called me with:
"grandma it's bland, what do I do?"

" well just squirt a little mustard in at a time and mix it and taste it but remember do one squirt mix and taste and make them small squirts because you can add but you can't subtract"

"ok thanks"

One text later: it is a surprise what one squirt of mustard can do for taste.
I text back yup sure is.

Now mine you I know his squirts.....usually bigger than mine. But if it worked hey who am I to complain?

Now here's where he had his problems,  he is cooking potatoes and eggs ok? then he is getting stuff ready for mixing mixture to add in right? and he text me and says how much do I use of Miracle Whip? Well honey that's a good question because you see grandma doesn't measure. She sight and taste it. OMG WHAT?
LOL so I explained what sight and taste meant. Oh Ok. he says I get it.

Later I tell him I will have to teach you to make a turkey next...that is all sight too.
Of course it is he tells me!
ok I did copy off some of my good recipes and give to him ones that I pretty much know by heart and don't really look at, sure I take out the recipe and set it on the counter and maybe glance at it once in awhile to make sure I AM ON TRACK! But as far as what every thing is called for in some recipes it's all in the head! I told my grandson "well I now know who to leave all my cookbooks to!"
I have cook books from all the way back to when I was in 7th grade. and I've been picking up cook books ever since. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many I have. You would think I would be a master chef by now, But no just a barely get by cook. Yup that's me the dreamer one day I'm gonna get those cookbooks out and really learn to cook!
Actually I think each cookbook has 1 or 2 recipes in there that are my favorite ones to use and so that's all I use that one for. Either way if grandson likes to cook and wants the books he may have them. (all my favorites are marked)

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