Saturday, January 10, 2015


I've probably told you before that I've owned cats since I was 2. or they have owned me. Lucky my  cat now has the personality of all the cats I've own before him all wrapped up into him! I see each and every trait or movement or whatever one other cat had in him. Then of course he has his own.
He plays ball. Now I don't mean just catch the ball I mean he will send the ball back to you. He will either hit it back with his paws or he will push it back at you. I keep trying to get a video of it and I just can't get it. mainly cause my cell phone battery is either dead when I want to catch him playing or when I get ready to tape it he stops playing!
 He also begs for treats. That I do have a video of

Now in this video is my daughter and Lucky trying his damnest to get her to give him some treats. Of course she is putting it off as long as she can so I can tape it. 

and he does this often. as soon as anyone gets ready to go out side he will jump up on the tv stand and go by the closet door and wait for someone to give him treats. (in video she is by front door now that winter is here he wont sit by front door to often its too cold for him)
And he will give you so much love and he will reach out grab at you with his paw trying to get you to get those treats (yes they are in the closet by the front door....why I don't know someone put them there once and that's now where we put them when we buy new ones). And Lucky knows where his treats are in fact he will look in the closet judging to see if he can jump up on the shelf or not to get them himself. so far he hasn't tried to.
He has brought me so much joy. And he is one spoiled kitty. Funny thing. He is the first ever cat we paid money for. and he is the first ever cat I DID NOT PICK. 
But oh he is a mommy's cat and oh he is a jealous kitty too.

Let me tell you a story of one night:

One night hubby and I were laying in bed. We were next to each other cuddling. hubby had his arm around me. Pretty soon thump thump and there was Lucky on top of me. He sat there on my chest meowing at my hubby. my hubby said what Lucky. he knew what Lucky wanted. Lucky wanted hubby to move his arm. Lucky keep meowing but hubby ignored him. So Lucky backed up and laid down on my stomach. He would meow every now and again at his total displeasure of being on my stomach. Finally hubby moved his arm and Lucky put his head on my shoulder and stretched out completely down my right side. Now he was happy! SPOILED! yeah he is he really is!
But you know what? I love it! and every night when it's bed time and he comes over and waits for me to pick him up and carry him to bed, even though I tell him he has 4 paws and should be carrying me I will carry him every single time. and in the morning when he puts a paw in my face to wake me up yeah I don't mind. Sure it might be earlier than I wanna get up but he's hungry so I gotta fed my baby, I talk to him just like one of my kids and I know he understands me.  So even though I didn't pick this one out hubby did a great job. only problem was hubby thought he was gonna be his cat! 

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