Friday, January 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Little Man

Today is our grandson Logan's birthday. he is 8.
wow how time has flown.
and how 8 years can make a difference.
When little man was born 8 years ago today no one knew the outcome of the day.
Logan was ok, but his mom was not.
I was back a forth between nursery and recovery room and I knew something was wrong. She was bleeding too much. So I kept at the nurse. Soon they were giving her more drugs. And daughter was so out of it and she was crying so much. She kept asking me same questions over and over is the baby alright? am I gonna be alright? and I'd answer the same yes and yes. But then I'd look under the sheet and discover she was in another pool of blood so I'd run and find a nurse. They gave her transfusions. Then did a D & C. Then the Doctor called me at home (I had to go home make sure other 3 boys were ok) and he said if we don't do emergency surgery and remove her uterus NOW she could die. And I said what do you need from me? He said well your her emergency contact so you have to sign the papers to have the surgery done but we dont have time to sign papers I need you to give me verbal permission now before we loose her. I said do what ever it take save her life. and I will be right back there in about 15 mins. He said when you get back sign the papers. I said ok. I told the babysitter who happened to be my daughter's best friend what was going on and asked if she could stay with the other 3 boys. She said yes just go. So I ran out to my car broke all speed limits and got there just as they were taking her in. They told me to ask her if she understood what was going on because of all the drugs they had given her. She said yes but not why. I said I'll explain later just go get it done. She was so weak at that point so pale and so like she wasn't gonna make it. I went back into the nursery and held my grandson and sang him the grandma loves you song but changed it to mommy loves you. So that if for some reason my daughter didn't make it he would know his mom loved him.  After what seemed like forever the doctor came out and said she will be ok. She was groggy but alive. They did a complete Hysterectomy in order to get the bleeding to stop. I had saved her life but she wouldn't have any more children. She had 4 boys and I knew she wanted a girl, but now she was gonna have to be happy with her boys because the hardest choice I had to make I just made to save her life and I had. So Logan has his mom. She wasn't happy when she finally got it all put together 4 months later but then again after our screaming match I told her at least your the one here raising your 4 boys and not me raising them with out you. She agrees but there are days when it gets her down. I know that too But my choice was to save her life, so she could raise her boys and be there for them.

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