Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Wow we went from some really nice weather for a Minnesota winter to Brrr now your where your suppose to be for a Minnesota winter but did you have to?
I used to love winter, Snowmobiling. Making snow forts with the kids, Ice fishing. Yes I was out there in the cold and didn't seem to notice it was even cold.

Then I got older....got arthritis, got Raynauds. What is Raynauds? well this can explain it better than me.

A feeling of cold in the hands and/or feet -- or sensitivity to the cold -- is a common complaint in people with hypothyroidism. Typically, if you're a thyroid patient experiencing these symptoms, the cold sensitivity and cold extremities will decrease usually significantly after you've received appropriate treatment for your underactive thyroid.
But in some thyroid patients, symptoms continue. When cold hands and/or feet persist, you should be evaluated for Raynaud's syndrome. Raynaud's (sometimes also spelled Reynaud's) is also known as Raynaud's phenomenom. It's a disease that involves an interruption in the blood flow to fingers and toes (and sometimes nose and ears), due to spasms in the blood vessels.

Now thing is I don't have a problem with my thyroid. Ive been tested many many times. But its always come back good nothing wrong. 
But another doctor (I've seen 4 about this) told me it is hereditary. So if my parents or any of their siblings had it so will I. My sister has it, in fact she was the one that noticed it on me and told me to go check it out. I have what they call a very mild case it hurts but its not bothersome.  my sister on the other hand has a serve case. 
Another thing is now I've got a bad back and weak spin. so a fall could be trouble for me.
So I don't go out much in the winter. I stay warm indoors.

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