Thursday, December 11, 2014


So it's been awhile. And due to the death of a Blogger friend, a lot of us are stating to Blog again. Get back to where we started. Most of us have new screens, some have same ones. I have a new one.
So Updates:

What has been happening in the world of me in the last several months?

Well if any of you have been on Face Book you have seen all my updates. And for those of you who aren't here goes:

Last year in June hubby retired. We were already to move to Florida. Then we got a call that our granddaughter's mom was using drugs and our granddaughter needed a place to live could we possibly take her? Well, yes of course. The last time her mom was "busted" we were in South Dakota working on tearing our home down, so they put our granddaughter in a foster home. BIG MISTAKE! She was put there with her dad's new girlfriends two sons and well she wasn't treated well. So we unpacked and took our granddaughter in. About 2 weeks later our oldest son (her father) asked if he could stay here with us for a week. against my better judgement I said ok. Well he moved in with his girlfriend and then her two boys and 7 months later was still here. Yes they paid rent both of them and she even paid me for watching her boys BUT they both drank and got into fights all the time and we were forever telling them to either get out or we were calling the police. NOT GOOD FOR MY BP.
Well our granddaughter left before her dad and his girlfriend did. I missed her so much. After having her for almost a whole year then all of a sudden she was gone.
In the mist of all this our oldest grandson who was 18 moved out. Yes that should be good but he wasn't finished with school. At first he kept going, then he just dropped out. Broke my heart cause he was in his last year.
Well, we finally got everyone out of our house, and I starting telling hubby I was having problems seeing. He said go get your eyes checked. I needed surgery. I had cataracts. So the month of July got sent up for that. Then I finally talked with my arthritis doctor about the lump in my arm and he sent me to another doctor who asked "do you want it out?" DUH! So he put me in the middle of my two eye surgeries so that every Weds in the month of July after the 4th I had surgery. Then in August hubby had surgery on his left shoulder. In Sept he had surgery on his right shoulder. And then in Nov. he had total hip replacement surgery, on his left hip.
Ok so you would think all is finally on right track right? NOPE
In the month of July just before my surgeries our daughter and her 3 boys moved in (we barely got over our oldest son and his girlfriend and her two boys moving out)
So now we have a house full again.
AND then my knee swells up. I try icing it. then heat. I elevate it. the swelling does not go down.
So after Thanksgiving I call the doctor and go in. He does x-ray. it's clear. So he drains it and gives me a shot of cortisone. Well that helps some but it still hurts and is still swollen. He sends me to have an MRI done. I get it done and he calls me and says I have a torn something or other in my knee. I can 1) learn to live with it (but it will not get better) or 2) have surgery. So I'm waiting to hear about that.
I just went to my neurologist yesterday and got good news there. Since I have my migraines under control (I haven't had to go in to the hospital in a very long time to get a shot) I don't have to come see him any more. I need to stay on the meds I'm currently taking which my regular doctor can prescribe for me. YAY I don't need one extra doctor any more!
So there ya are pretty much caught up.
Our house in South Dakota ....we hired someone to tear it down for us, to fill in the hole and take away the debris. All for the cost of all 5 of my tractors. UGH I did NOT like that hubby made that deal! But at least the city will be happy. We also have several people interested in buying it now, so yeah looks like that will be wrapped up too. Then maybe just maybe this spring (unless hubby needs his other hip done) we can finally go to Florida! I hope so.
I keep thinking about G-Man's death and about how short life really is.  He died just before his 65th birthday. I'm already 60. So it really brings to mind  how quickly stuff can change. Value life more now. And if your gonna do something you might want to do it NOW because you just never know what tomorrow will bring (or even today) This year has been a year of many losses for me. My own cousin lost her husband to cancer at a young age  (he was in his 40's) Another friend from Face Book also lost her battle with cancer. and I have yet another close friend whom I used to date way back in the day who also is battling cancer. You really never know the twist and turns of this thing called life. Live it to the fullest and love those who mean the most to you. Don't fight and if you do make up its not worth it to be angry or hold a grudge because if you don't say sorry now you might never get the chance to.
See you tomorrow God willing.

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