Wednesday, November 13, 2019


God has gained another Angel. Another blogger from Blogger land has passed away. Yesterday morning in his sleep. BTExpress as he was known here. In Facebook Land he was known to the rest of us As Tony Chliek. Tony was the most wonderful guy to get to know and he always had a kind word for everyone. He had gone though so much in his life time. He lost his first wife Barbara to Cancer. He him self was shot while in Vietnam. You can read his story here:

But he always had a smile and a joke and he sure made you laugh at yourself. He will be miss by many he was loved by all.

Well after much pushing.. fighting .. and crying we have finally made it to Florida. We are living in Bonita Springs till about May 1st 2020. Then hopefully we will move into our own house.
We have seen several we have also put offers in on a couple and had them accepted but then they back out on the deal. We have another one we are working on and I pray this time we get the house because I get so stressed out from getting my hopes up so high. And of course hubby and I are fighting so much because of the stress over the houses as well. The one we are working on now I really kinda hate but can live with it. WAIT WAIT WAIT this sounds familiar....I hated our house in Bloomington MN but I learned to live with it. LOL geesh only difference with this one is it has 2 bathrooms where all my other (2 homes) have had just 1 including the campers. OH AND GET THIS House in Bloomington MN was on a corner lot....House in Miller SD was on a corner lot.....House we are hoping to buy now that we have fill out all paperwork put in offer that was accepted IS ON A CORNER LOT! do we see a pattern here? YEAH .