Tuesday, March 13, 2018

I just give up

We raised our oldest grandson. He's 22. some shit has happened to him that has him back home with us. At the same time our youngest son is here. I am angry he is here. Every chance I get I tell him to get the hell out. Our oldest grandson has bitched to me over and over again about him being here. SO today they come home and I tell him to get out and all of a sudden our grandson turned on me and started to scream at me. Now all of a sudden he is standing up for his lazy ass uncle. He also thinks because he is buying groceries that he is now in charge of this house. more than we are. He didn't pay the mortgage and his name is NOT on the house papers in any way. It is mine and hubbies. Yet he seems to think because he buys the food he can now take over. He yells at me that he has held his tongue long enough and hes not gonna let me get away with this shit any more. WHAT THE FUCK? Here is a kid who has been bitching at me for months about his lazy ass uncle living off us and that we need to get him out and we keep trying but he just wont get out. NOW he's yelling at me. well I told him  he can get the fuck out too. I am done with both of them

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

It's happening again

We are already into March. And this weekend is when we spring for wards turning our clocks ahead an hour. Day light savings time. Already. Yet there is about 2 maybe 3 feet of snow still on the ground and more yet to come (after all this is March)
My main gripe today isn't so much about the snow although I'd be super happy if it was gone and the ground was dried up ( no puddles or mud)
No it's my grand children.
I have several that I don't get to see.
3 (2 boys 1 girl) because their mom and dad separated and well its such a long story. But our son is living with us and as much as want them to visit I DO NOT WANT TO BE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO SUPERVISE THEM. 
And then the other one who I don't see well I'm not sure why we don't see her. I'm not sure if it's her choice or her mom's but her dad (our oldest son) is well yeah lets not get into that either.
I keep trying to tell her if she come's to visit us she DOES NOT HAVE TO SEE HER DAD. We would just love to see her. After all we aren't gonna be here forever. With hubby being 66 and me 63 (and that changes when we have our birthday's this year. Well you know it could happen at any time.
I love all of my grand children.
I do get to see the other 4. (all boys) In fact they are in our lives just about every day.
I want them all to say yeah grandma and grandpa were so much fun they did this with us or we did that and then smile and tell (maybe their kids) good stories about us.
One can only hope.