Saturday, October 21, 2017

So not happy

I understand when people fight and they need to separate from each other, but when there are kids involved why are they pitting those kids against the other parent? One parent has the kids while the other parent only gets the kids ever other weekend and only for 24 hrs and with our supervision. It's like now we have no life. Plus they grill those kids and grill those kids till they have no idea how confused these kids are. And any little criticism you give those kids brings them to tears. One child is so out of control that no matter how many times you say settle down they are still bouncing off the walls. Almost like you gave them nothing but sugar to eat. Speaking of eating that's another thing that makes me mad if they don't like it and some times even if they do they take one or two bites then toss it in the garbage. What a waste of money.....MY MONEY. And we are living on a limited income now. And does their father do anything about it? Nope not one damn thing. And when the kids do misbehave instead of him doing anything about it he threaten them with grandpa will spank you. NO GRANDPA WILL NOT! We tell him to stop using us as a threat but he refuses. And he just cant do a thing for himself. We just can't move forwards with this crap going on. I have so many health issues going on and this stress just is NOT helping me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gab
    Long time no read.
    I have been where your son is and he will have to make a couple of decisions as will you.
    You and your husband raised your kids and now it’s time to rest and relax before the big sleep.
    Your son will for one, have to grow up and deal with his shit.
    He is just going to have to tell his ex the current arraignment isn’t working and he will have the kids at his place or she can just keep them.

    My ex ran away out west and changed her name and the kid’s names so I wouldn’t find them.
    Took me an hour to track her down.
    But I let her go.
    As much as I loved my kids it was smarter to walk away knowing that one day they will come looking for answers and they did,
    Actually, New Year’s Eve 2010 my ex after 10 years called to tell me she was back and had put the kids out on the street.
    So, I picked up these two strangers who were raised to hate me.
    One was 15 and the other 18.
    The oldest was terrified of me and the youngest was indifferent.

    I told them that they could assume everything they heard about me is true and that I had no intensions of bad mouthing their mother or her family but would let them see in time if all they heard was true or not.

    That was 7-8 years ago now and they won’t shut up and leave me alone.
    In fact, they walked away from their mother after they figured out their lives had been a lie.
    I worked hard to get them to reconcile with her but in the same breath I never forgave her and never will.
    They trust me more and I have had to swallow hard a couple of times like when they told me on the nights they lost their virginity.
    I am sure their boyfriends noticed the look they got when they dropped by after the fact.

    The thing is, your son is going to have to make a choice even if he doesn’t like it.
    The kids are being used as weapons to hurt the other parent and that is wrong.
    I would tell her keep the kids and I will hook up with them when they are old enough to know the bitch she really is.

    I have helped raise 10 kids and a couple of hundred adults and it sucks the life out of you when there is to much negativity,
    Take care of yourself and say hi to Mr Gab
