People are amazed at how long some of my pets live.
Oh yeah some die way before their time because of stupid vets, not because I haven't done everything in my power to save them.
But let start with 2 of our cats who live 16 yrs.
Mister and Frisky. Those two were so spoiled yet not as spoiled as our Lucky is now. They both slept with us. They were our biggest babies, when I took a nap on the couch one would lay on my chest then the other would lay below that one down my legs. so I would be covered in cats. and we would sleep like that.
only reason why Mister left our world when he did was his back got broken by a kitten we were baby sitting. We didn't see it to begin with otherwise we would have stopped it. But by the time we seen what was happening his back was broke. He lived about 2 years with a broken back (vet said it would healed) but it got worse and soon he couldn't walk with out crying nor go potty with out crying.
and Frisky was 15 when she got a bladder/liver infection that they couldn't do anything about other than make her comfortable with a shot every day at $200. a shot. So we let her be till she just couldn't do it any more and we didn't want her to suffer any more and put her to sleep. She had just turned 16. Mister went 6 months later and in between those two our dog Rex who was 19 also was put to sleep as he was suffering as well. He no longer could walk and we had to carry him out side to go potty but when he could stand to go potty outside we knew it was time. That was our hardest year and we said NO MORE PETS.
Didn't last long we soon had more cats and more dogs.
Now including cats and dogs we also have fish.
Now most goldfish live for about 2-3 year although we have seen where there have been some who have lived 12 years.
The gold fish we have now we call "fish-stick" he/she was so little when we got him from a church carnival down the street. This little fishy was no more than 1/4" big I mean if you blinked you missed him. But I would talk to him every day and feed him a few flakes every day and soon he grew to be about 4" big. I would go over to the tank and ask him to dance for momma. I can even go to the side of the tank and ask for a kiss and he will come over by me like he is giving me a kiss. My baby is 6 years old. and I'm not sure how much longer he will be with me but as long as I have him I will kept talking to him. I am so happy to talk to my pets because they aren't just my pets they are my babies.